Monday, May 16, 2011

Beginning of the End

Today was our last day in a new place. From here on, we will be backtracking, making our way back to Singapore and the airport. Tomorrow is the beginning of the end. But for now, I will recount today. We woke up around 9 as we usually do and we took our time heading down to the city from our guesthouse (I'd say we're around 300 meters away). Once down we went straight to the travel people's floating building so we wouldn't forget/spend too much money and not have enough to get out of this place! There is no ATM so I really don't know what would happen if we ran out of cash, but this has kinda been how the last 4 places we've visited so we're becoming pros at planning ahead. Once we booked our boat ticket out of here, we went to a floating restaurant next door and grabbed a little breakfast to start the day. Jen had a fried egg and a banana+chocolate+ice cream pancake...interesting combination of orders, I know! I had a vegetable omelet, so whoever bet that I would be healthier on this trip, congratulations you've been winning (surprisingly lol). The way they cook things over here is the same for everything they cook though. So the fried egg isn't fried on a griddle like back home, but it must be simmered in grease in a wok because the whole thing comes out crispy. Same with my omelet. It isn't half bad, however, and we pay a ringgit each to get a ferry across the river to explore the park. Once there, we began a trail to the canopy walk. The walk is the largest canopy walk in the world but almost half was closed for renovation so that was a little disappointing. We still did it, however, and it was still amazing. A little scary as it was quite wobbly, but fun nonetheless. From there we took a trail up to a vantage point at the top of a mountain-hill (I don't know what to call these things, I feel like I'm overestimating if I say mountain, but a hill doesn't come close to describing it). It was long and very steep, and both of us were exhausted by the top. Little did we know the path down on the other side was even steeper. I couldn't imagine going up it because going down it was hard enough. It also got quite hard to follow as it began to level out.Right when we thought we were lost (after JUST telling our parents not to worry we would be fine over here lol), the trail connected to another larger, more defined trail with a sign showing it led back to the beginning. On the way back though, we ran into a place to swim in the river so we jumped in, clothes and all, to cool off a bit. We finally made it back to the beginning of all the trails and thought we were dead. Our legs will definitely feel that mountain tomorrow. We rode back across the river, grabbed a VERY light lunch (since it was already 3, we knew we would eat dinner in not too long), and right when we finished it began to downpour. Luckily we had cards so we played an epic game of war for at least an hour so Jen could finally prove I was legitimately a lucky person, war being a game of pure luck. Sadly, I won. By then the rain had stopped so we looked around town for someone who would give us the password for their wifi even though we weren't staying with them so we could download a book on kindle. Finally someone did so we downloaded it, went back to our place, and read for the rest of the dreary afternoon. Sadly I couldn't find the blow gun I wanted to get Bryce anywhere in town while we had walked around, so he'll just have to settle for something else.  We eventually came back into town for dinner, which we will admit wasn't our best since being here. Afterward we came right to the internet cafe to catch up and for me to update the blog. Now, we will go back, read some more, and get ready for another day of travel. Tomorrow, Kuala Lumpur. The next day, back to Singapore until we depart. It truly is the beginning of the end.

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