Saturday, May 14, 2011

Final Day in Paradise

Today was a sad day. Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful, relaxing, filling, everything weve grown to expect it to be. However, it is our last day on this island. This place is absolutely perfect we definitely want to visit again. Perfect water, perfect people, perfect animals, and definitely perfect price! We pay RM50 for beachfront property per night. Yes, that comes out to less than $20 a night, split between the two of us, to stay ON the beach. Winning (credit for this expression goes to our Australian friend Maddy, not Charlie Sheen). Today we woke up around 9ish. Since the electricity goes off at 830, in the 15 minutes the fan is completely stopped it gets warm enough to wake you up! We sauntered down to the cafe at the reception desk, right on the beach, and had some eggs and toast to wake up. We then dropped off our laundry for a much needed cleaning, rented some snorkels, and took off. We went the opposite direction than we went the first day (south this time) and saw some beautiful coral and wildlife. Nothing we hadn't seen already, and no turtles or sharks, but still it never gets old. Plus it was nice little bit of exercise! When we got back, we rinsed off, put on some dry clothes, and went down to get a light lunch. We planned on a big dinner later so we both just split a chicken sandwich and fries, but even the chicken sandwich here doesnt taste like a normal chicken sandwich. It has an island flare that our palates couldnt place their finger on. After settling up the bill, we splurged and got a big coke to last us through dinner (buying drinks at every meal, including water, is the most annoying part). We then went back to our room, grabbed some cards, and played egyptian war, speed, etc while clouds blew over (weather was still NICE it just wasn't sunny enough to lay out. After I got tired of Jen winning, we went down to layout and read on the beach. We were there for probably about an hour and a half before we got hot and jumped in the water. We sat there talking and throwing bits of dead coral that had washed up for a while until we felt we might be getting burned, so we went inside once again to rinse off. At around 630 we walked down to a restaurant just a hop skip and a jump down the beach to have the infamous BBQ that is so good on this island. It didn't start until 7 though so we walked down the peir to watch the sun sink a little lower, then walked back to eat. We first split a fried noodle pataya, which is fried noodles with chicken and a little veg wrapped in an egg basket. I dont know how they actually cook it but its delicious! We finished that and it was a little while before our lobster dinner came out. We loved it so much the night before we had to have it again for a whopping $5 American dollars (once again, split between the two of us!). We walked back down to our place's restaurant and got a fried snickers and watched some of the Man Utd-Blackburn game (soccer for those who don't know). The fried snickers isnt fried in funnel cake batter like at home but in something along the lines of that stufff inside butterfingers. Amazing! We were so full but to get free internet at this one place you had to order something, so we went back to the room, let our food settle a little, then went to the restaurant with free wifi. We are currently there, updating yall while sucking down a snickers milkshake! Tomorrow, well head off to the rainforest/jungle of Taman Negara! If we don't update dont freak (parents), it just means we dont have internet! Well update in Kuala Lumpur in a few days worst come to worst! As for now, were going to enjoy this milkshake! Goodnight/Goodmorning!

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