Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cameron Highlands Day 3

Had yet another wonderful day in the Cameron Highlands! We woke up pretty late for the first time since weve been here (but today was supposed to be a chill day so it was good to sleep in). Blake immediately went downstairs to read the book hes obsessed with, while I got dressed and then went downstairs with him for breakfast. We shared a bowl of fruit at the hostel to start off with then, later in the morning, ventured into town for a muffin and tea. After breakfast, we did trail #4. It was an easy trail that was supposed to lead to a "waterfall" but it was more of a water drop being that it was no more than 15 ft. It also led to a strawberry farm which we walked around for a bit then headed to another (more extreme) trail. On the way to trail #8, we stopped at the little park we love to swing and take pictures of flowers (Blake is slightly obsessed with doing that- Im gonna make him a collage when we get back home). One of the swings was broken though so Blake spent some time and won the "good samaritian" award fixing it haha By the time we got to the trail, I was already physically tired (from hiking the day before and walking to the trail this morning). Most of the trails we have come across have a predominant trail to follow but this particular trail is a lot more intense. We quickly got back to the place we stopped at yesterday, and then climbed over the fallen trees to continue on. After what seemed like forever to me, being starving and atheletically of out of shape, we made it to the top! Proud moment :) We took a few pictures, carved our names into the popular spot to do so, and then headed back down. Down was much less tiring than up. By the time we got back to the bottom, we were soo hungry and walked straight to town to get some Indian food. Blake got a Malaysian cuisine consisting of noodles, tofu, and a special sauce, and I got indian noodles and chicken. Since we have become accustomed to sharing, neither one of us could finish our meals. After our late lunch, we went back to the room to get our kindles and then laid outside on the grass and read for awhile. It was so nice to just relax. Continuing with our relaxtion, we walked into town and got a 60 minute full body massage. Heaven. Id be poor if massages were that cheap in America! We then went back up to the hostel to meet up with Maddy and then went out to dinner with Maddy and some other girls we made friends with. It is amazing how many different places people come from. It was soo cool sharing stories, similarities, and differences over dinner and getting to get and give advice about travelling experiences. After dinner, we were FINALLY able to call home. It was SOOO great getting to hear our families voices and talk to them on the phone. Happy Mothers day once again! We hope you both had an amazing day!

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