Thursday, May 19, 2011


Yet another great day has come and gone in this beautiful city. We woke up fairly early this morning, around 9 am, then went downstairs for the free breakfast provided by the hostel we are staying at. Once again, the breakfast consists of bread, jam, peanut butter, and stale cereal. However, there were many different choices of jam so I (being picky) made a piece of toast with Pineapple, Strawberry, and Orange jam and even ventured to put a little peanut butter on top and dare I say, it wasnt too bad! This place even provided fresh oranges and either tea or coffee so i was content. After breakfast, we got dressed, packed up our stuff, and checked out as we had to move rooms. We couldnt check back in until after two though so we left our bags in the staff closet downstairs and ventured into the city. We were told the fastest way to get to the zoo was to take the express bus a few blocks down straight to the zoo. The bus was supposed to be at the bus stop at 11:25 but after waiting 20 minutes, we decided just to take the MRT. Once there, they told us the bus schedule had been changed and the next bus didnt come until 1:25pm so we made the right decision to stop waiting. We bought our tickets (which ended up being even cheaper) and then got on the MRT and rode to the station where we would then take a bus the rest of the way to the zoo. Before we got on the bus, we decided to grab a quick bite to eat so we didnt have to pay for food at the zoo. We shared a footlong sub and cookies and then headed to the bus. After about 40 minutes, we arrived at the zoo. We decided to just purchase the zoo tickets as oppossed to a multiple park package deal and  finally entered the zoo around 2 PM. We made our way through the park to the first show on our list, something about animals saving the rainforest. We sat down and birds flew from every direction and monkeys and lemurs crawled on some rope directly above us onto the stage. Then a man dressed as an indian tribe dancer came up to Blake and asked him to follow him up to the stage. Blake did and they had him take off his shirt and do some tribal dancing. It was hilarious!!! Very much worth the price of getting in without even seeing the rest of the zoo! After Blake got embarrassed, we walked around to some of the exhibits on our way to the next show, Elephants of Asia. We saw monkeys, kangaroos, pygmy hippos, and some BIG butted babboons. Say that five times fast! Then we got front row seats for the elephant show, in what they call the "splash zone". They elephants immediately came out and sprayed us with their trunks, and then did a series of tricks such as balancing on a log, moving trees, and just following commands in general. It was amazing! After the show, we walked the rest of the park seeing snakes, Komodo dragons, small bears, giraffes, zebras, white rhinos, leopards, and many more. We capped off the day with a "Splash", one last show before we left. This time when the host asked for a volunteer, Blake raised my hand and he called me up. I guess we stand out because we are Americans in a sea of Asians/Indians. After the host flirted with me for a bit in the funny joking around way hosts do, I was asked to throw a frisbee to a sea lion and if I made it I had the priviledge of taking the first picture with it after the show. If not, I was to be "thrown in the water". Luckily, I made it on my first try. It was really fun and after the show, I got my first sea lion kiss! SOOOO cute :) I told Blake I'm never washing that cheek again. The park closed at 6 pm so after the show, we heaaded towards the gift shop. We looked around awhile and then left to head to Chinatown. Once in Chinatown, we walked up and down the different streets going into so many different shops that were all alike. We ended up buying a few things and then got back on the MRT to head back to the hostel. We checked in, moved our stuff back upstairs, and then walked to the bar down the street for a pizza and fries. The food was delicious but the entertainment was even better. About half way through dinner, a guy came in with a guitar and was taking requests. He could sings just about anything and was amazing! We stayed around listening for awhile after dinner and then came back to the hostel and made our beds up. We are now downstairs listening to a bunch of kids shriek with excitement over NOTHING. Hence, the name Daycare, which we have given to our hostel. There are at least twice as many kids as adults here and Blake is going crazy. Anyways, I guess we are going to bed soon. As of now, our plans for tomorrow are to go to Sentosa Island and just chill on the beach all day. That may change depending on the weather as it was rainy today. Last two days here! We miss you guys! Love you :)

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